Latest Petrol, Diesel and Oil Prices in Pakistan

Whether you’re a daily commuter, a weekend road tripper, or a truck driver traversing long distances, fuel prices are a constant concern in Pakistan. Let’s look at the latest prices of petrol, diesl and oil in Pakistan.

Prices at the Pump

As of today, January 17th, 2024, here’s the snapshot of fuel prices across Pakistan:

Price in PKRUSD Price (approximate)
Petrol (Super)267.34$ 1.28
High Speed Diesel276.21$ 1.32
Light Speed Diesel165.75$ 0.79
Crude Oil Barrel20,084.4$ 71.73

Yearly Price Chart for a Barrel of Crude Oil

These prices reflect the latest updates from OGRA (Oil and Gas Regulatory Authority) and represent indicative market rates. Actual prices may vary slightly depending on location and vendor.

Understanding the Price Trend

While diesel prices remained largely stable recently, petrol witnessed a slight hike. Here are some of the factors contributing to this:

  • Global Oil Price Movements: International oil prices play a significant role in determining local fuel prices. Recent trends towards higher global oil prices are reflected in domestic adjustments.
  • Rupee Depreciation: The depreciation of the Pakistani Rupee against the US Dollar makes importing crude oil more expensive, leading to higher prices at the pump.
  • Taxation and Levies: Taxes and levies levied by the government contribute to the final price of fuel paid by consumers.

Looking Ahead At Oil Prices

Predicting future fuel prices is a tricky business, but considering the current environment, a couple of scenarios appear possible:

  • Continued Fluctuations: If global oil prices and Rupee depreciation persist, we may see continued minor adjustments in fuel prices, both upwards and downwards.
  • Stabilization or Slight Reduction: If global and local economic conditions improve, coupled with potential appreciation of the Rupee, there might be a possibility of stabilization or even slight reductions in fuel prices.

How to Save Money on Diesel and Petrol Expenses

Whether you’re impacted by fuel prices as a commuter or a business owner, there are ways to navigate the situation:

  • Optimize Routes: Plan your travels efficiently to minimize unnecessary miles and fuel consumption.
  • Carpool or Utilize Public Transport: Consider carpooling with colleagues or friends for short journeys, or opt for public transport where available.
  • Maintain Your Vehicle: Regular maintenance helps ensure optimal fuel efficiency, saving you money in the long run.
  • Stay Informed: Monitor fuel price updates and economic trends to make informed decisions about travel and budgeting.